Abigail McGuire-NAMISS Jr. Pre-Teen Tennessee

Abigail McGuire-NAMISS Jr. Pre-Teen Tennessee

abigail-singing-1073abigail-being-introduced-071aedc-womens-club-oct-08-085Abigail has been participating in a toy drive for the Blue Monarch with the Brentwood Soccer Club.  The Blue Monarch is a home for abused women and children.  Thier hope is to have a special toy for every little boy and girl for Christmas.  Abigail also went to the AEDC Women’s Club on October 7th.  The AEDC Women’s Club raises money for college scholarships and each spring they award one student with a scholarship.  The ladies requested a song so Abigail sang for them and then told them a little about herself and National American Miss.   The women’s club has invited Abigail  back in the spring so that she can see how their club benefits the community!