Farewell from 2010 South Carolina Pre-Teen Queen Brianna Genelle Williams.

Welcome to the Miss South Carolina Pageant! I am so excited to meet all of you. We have so much fun ahead of us! Enjoy every minute of your experience here this weekend, because it will truly be a time that you will never forget.

Dear Contestants,
Welcome to the Miss South Carolina Pageant! I am so excited to meet all of you. We have so much fun ahead of us! Enjoy every minute of your experience here this weekend, because it will truly be a time that you will never forget.
I can hardly believe that it has been a year since my journey as Miss South Carolina Pre-Teen began. I will always cherish the memories gained through my National American Miss experience. I was so excited to take my first trip to California to compete in Nationals! The excitement really hit me when I boarded my plane in Myrtle Beach, and felt like true royalty when I was given a shout out from my flight attendant and fellow passengers wishing me good luck in California. Nationals was amazing! I made so many friends and had an unbelievable experience. I also enjoyed participating in community service programs across South Carolina and meeting many of you at open calls.
I would like to thank God for blessing me with this unbelievable opportunity, and all of my family and friends for their love and support during my reign. I would also like to thank Matt Leverton and his great staff for always making me feel special, and the National American Miss family for sponsoring such an outstanding pageant.
As my reign comes to a close, I would like to wish all of the contestants this weekend the best of luck. Only one girl can be crowned, but all of you can walk away knowing that you are special. Never give up on your dreams. I competed for three years before my dream of being crowned Miss South Carolina finally came true. To my successor, I hope that you treasure your title and know that it is an honor to wear the NAM crown. Enjoy every minute and take a lot of pictures!
Again, good luck to all of you, and let’s get this party started!!!!!!!
Best Wishes Always,
Brianna Genelle Williams
2010 Miss South Carolina Pre-Teen