Tara Nicole Azarian National American Miss North Carolina Jr. Pre-Teen Queen Farewell

Tara-Nicole National American Miss Farewell Speech

Hello everyone,

I am Tara-Nicole Azarian, your 2009-210 North Carolina National Amerian Miss Junior Pre-Teen Queen.  WOW – what a year I have had!  When I heard them call my name last year, as the winner, I nearly fainted! I could not stop crying!  A dream of mine had come true – to be a NAM queen….and I have enjoyed EVERY minute of it!

I have made a gazillion appearances, at Parades, Pageants, Festivals & more!  I was so glad to also be able to use my reign as a way to help support many community service projects I believe in!  Such as, the Salvation Army, The Boys & Girls Club, Operation Homefront & of course, Tara’s Teddys (www.TarasTeddys.com).  I was even recognized by Build-a-Bear Inc as one of their 40 National finalists in the US for outstanding volunteer work in 2009!

My journey to Nationals was amazing!  My favorite moments were seeing Walt Disney’s Star on the Walk of Fame, going to Disneyland with my pageant buddy Miss New York & receiving a Spirit Stick at Nationals!  But the VERY BEST moment for me was when I WON the National Volunteer Service award…which was the event that meant the world to me!

I would like to thank everyone who made my journey possible!  First of all, God – who makes all things possible, my Daddy, my brother Nick & my mommy – who is the person who does all of my pageant stuff with me!  I’d also like to thank Miss Lynn, Misty Carson, my sponsors & my State Director Matt. Most of all, I’d like to thank my Great-Grandmother – who passed away just a few weeks ago.  She was my biggest fan. Without her support, my year would not have been possible.  It is to her I dedicate my year.  I love you Great-Grandma & I miss you soooooo much!

To all of you contestants – SHINE as brightly as the STARS that you are! :o)  To my successor…hold on tightly, you are in for the ride of your life! :o)

My year has been filled with adventures, excitement & changes!  I’ve grown 6 inches, entered Middle School & my acting career has taken off!

Ladies & Gentleman, I am a cheerleader, I am a Girl Scout and I am an actress…but tonight, for the last time…I am Tara-Nicole Azarian, YOUR 2009-2010 North Carolina National American Miss Junior Pre-Teen Queen….Thank you & God Bless.

Riley Yates – 2009 National American Miss South Carolina Jr. Pre-Teen Farewell

Riley Yates – 2009 National American Miss South Carolina Jr. Pre-Teen Farewell

Hello 2010 Contestants & Families!

 Wow, this year has really flown by, it seems like only yesterday that my reign began!   While I am saddened that my reign as Miss South Carolina Junior Preteen has come to an end, I am excited for the opportunities and excitement that awaits the 2010 queen!

This year I have traveled throughout the state of South Carolina participating in parades and festivals and volunteering for many different organizations and community groups.  We participated in the First Ladies Walk for a Cure, and raised over $1500 for “The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation”.  I also was a principle cast member and featured soloist for “A Nutcracker Fantasy” biannual fundraiser for our local children’s shelter.   My sister queen Stephanie and I also joined up for the “March for Babies” in Columbia, SC this spring. 

My family and I enjoyed our trip to sunny California for the National pageant.   Seeing Disneyland decorated for the holidays really set the mood for a fantastic week!   We enjoyed a tour of Hollywood Boulevard, the American Girl Doll store, and the famous Santa Monica Pier!  It was even more beautiful than in the movies and on TV!   The National pageant was a fantastic experience, well organized and full of excitement. 

My year could not have been possible without the support of my family and friends.  They have always been my number one fans and I am lucky to have them in my life.  Thank you so much for believing in me, I love you!

As my year comes to an end, I take with me a lifetime of fond memories that I will always treasure.  As you compete this weekend, please remember that each and every one of you are winners. Like Walt Disney once said, “All dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”  I hope that you enjoy this week at NAM, and leave with new friendships and memories of a lifetime!


 Riley Yates,

2009 Miss South Carolina Junior Pre Teen

Monika Perry-National American Miss South Carolina Pre-Teen Queen Farewell

Monika Perry-National American Miss South Carolina Pre-Teen Queen Farewell

Dear Friends, Family and Contestants,


     With my reign as your National American Miss South Carolina Pre-Teen coming to a close, I look back on all the amazing experiences that I have had over the past year.  The pageant in Greenville coupled with the trip to Nationals in California and having the opportunity to help out my community have been special and have had a huge impact on my life.  There are no words to describe how much this year meant to me and how it has allowed me to grow as a young woman.  I never imagined that such great opportunities were in store for me and are available for each young lady that participates in this pageant.

     This last year has brought many amazing opportunities.  The trip to Los Angeles with my entire family spending quality time traveling, going to Disney the most magical place on earth.  People asking to take my picture, talk to me and ask for my autograph I felt like a princess.  I loved the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with everyone sharing memories and enjoying fellowship.  The food and the company I shared were blessings that I will never forget.  I met many wonderful girls that I viewed as friends, not competitors. 

     Giving up my crown this weekend will be a bittersweet experience, but with the sadness of passing my title down also comes the joy that another young lady will get the chance to experience the unbelievable thrill of representing the wonderful state of South Carolina.  The most important advice I can give each of you this weekend is to have fun and don’t hold back.  Show your personality in everything you do and remember that each of you are SPECIAL.  This is a great opportunity to make new life long friends and always remember the most important thing is that every girl is a winner and never give up on your dreams.

     I am excited to get to know each of you this weekend.  Take advantage of the time together, and if you need anything I would be honored to help you.  Each of you are beautiful, inside and out.


                                                          Love Always,


                                                           Monika Perry

Cailee Calabrese is one busy NAM girl!

Cailee Calabrese is one busy NAM girl!

Cailee Calabrese is the National American Miss North Carolina Princess Queen. As you can see above she is one busy kid.  Her activities this year have taken her from the national pageant in Disneyland to national talent competitions, and most of all her community service project of collecting DVD for soldiers.

She has spent the last ten months collecting DVDs for our troops serving overseas. Cailee will tell you that the reason she collected them is because “they protect us and she wanted to give a gift back for protecting us.”  She collected $3,000 worth of DVDs and delivered them to “Give to the Troops” organization on November 14, 2009. Cailee is now a permanent volunteer and will receive a special volunteer award signed by the President of the United States at the end of the year for her contribution. It was very touching to see so many people volunteering their time to pack Christmas stockings and the essentials such as food, toiletries, and children including Cailee making cards to thank them and wishing them a wonderful holiday.

One of the most touching encounters of the day was to see the wall with all the stars that signified those who lost their lives. The dark wall was for the troops serving in Iraq and the blue wall was for the soldiers who lost their live in Afghanistan.  Cailee has a long history of family who currently serves or has served including her dad who served with the United States Air Force.

Way to go Cailee!

Farewell Speech of Cailee Calabrese – North Carolina National American Miss Princess

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. Never did I imagine that my name would be called as the North Carolina National American Miss Princess. It has truly been an honor and a wonderful opportunity. My year started as volunteering for the American Red Cross “Run for the Red.” I had such a wonderful time when I attended the Maryland state pageant reigning and meeting new friends. One of things I did was to launch my own community project called “Movies for Military.” I distributed my movies and volunteered at the Give 2 the Troops organization, which was truly a wonderful experience to see and meet so many people donating time to put together care packages and make cards to send to our troops serving overseas. I launched my own project because “I wanted to give a gift back to them for protecting us.” I have learned the importance of giving back to the community, meeting new friends and to always be a positive role model for other girls.

Another highlight of my year was attending nationals and our trip to Disneyland and Hollywood. I enjoyed getting to meet so many girls from different states. I was proud to receive the award of National Photogenic, Community Achievement, Volunteer Service Award and 3rd runner-up for Most Promising Model. It is truly an honor to receive those awards with so many wonderful other girls. Thank you Matt and the wonderful staff at National American Miss organization for the greatest experience a girl my age could have. Lastly, I would like to thank my mom and dad for always loving and supporting me.

2009 National American Miss South Carolina Princess Queen Erin McCracken Farewell

2009 National American Miss South Carolina Princess Queen Erin McCracken Farewell

Hi Girls!

        Welcome!! My name is Erin Marie McCracken and I am very proud to be your 2009 National American Miss South Carolina Princess Queen. It seems like only yesterday I was standing where you are today, full of hopes and dreams.

I want to congratulate you for making it as a National American Miss state finalist. What an accomplishment! This will be such an amazing experience and you will make so many new friends! So treasure each moment – it will go by way too fast!

This year has been the most amazing year a girl could ever wish for.  I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people and make so many great friends! I attended the National pageant in sunny California with my beautiful sister queens and we had a BLAST! Not only did we have a day in Disneyland and tour Hollywood, we got to go shopping on Rodeo Drive! Wow!!! I also got to represent NAM and our beautiful state of South Carolina at various pageants and parades and Open Calls. I will never forget this great year I’ve experienced with National American Miss!

Girls, be EXCITED! This is the experience of a lifetime! So good luck and remember to have fun and cherish every moment! You ROCK!!     

                                                                With love,

                                                                Erin McCracken

2009 National American Miss Pre-Teen Shivali Patel Farewell

2009 National American Miss Pre-Teen Shivali Patel Farewell

Hello Everyone,

Serving as your National American Miss North Carolina Preteen Queen 2009-1010 has truly been a blessing and the most rewarding experience of my life. National American Miss has provided me with so many opportunities in this past year. I have had the chance to touch the lives of many, and make a difference in one way or another.  I have made lifelong friends that I will forever treasure and overall, I have grown as an individual. This organization is not only dedicated to promoting America’s greatness and encouraging its future leaders, but it is also an outlet for young women to gain confidence, experience and communication skills as they reach out to their communities.

I know Nationals held in sunny Anaheim, California is a week I certainly won’t forget. I made a ton of new friends, and did some sightseeing. I went to Disneyland and met the unthinkable creatures and characters that I had once read in a storybook. The Hollywood Tour was just as breathtaking. My family and I went to the Walk of Fame, Santa Monica Beach, and did some window shopping on the streets of Hollywood. It is truly amazing how an experience like this can be both exhilarating and humbling all at once.

To my sister queens, it has been a privilege to know you. You have all made such great role models and I know for a fact, that one day, you will reach the hills of success. To whom this year would have never been so fantastic or even possible without the one and only, Matt Leverton. Matt – thank you for all of your support and kindness- you ROCK! To the National American Miss Faculty: Thank you for putting together such a wonderful program for us girls. Out of all of the pageants I’ve been in, this one has simply been the best!  Situ- Thank you for always cheering me on, making me laugh and simply just being my sister. You make everything seem so easy and fun and with you by my side, nothing is impossible. Mom and Dad- I can’t express how much you mean to me and I don’t think I ever will be able to.  You have always been there for me and given me something to look forward to. I am who I am because of you. Thank you for your unconditional love, and support.
As I prepare to turn the page on this chapter in my life, I look back on my Miss NC experience as one of personal growth, opportunity and a foundation on which I will build my future. As my year comes to an end, I know my journey as only begun. Riding in parades, making appearances, and doing community service with my embedded crown and banner is something I will miss doing, but I will not forget that this title has opened many doors. I look forward to the upcoming journey with great anticipation. To the people of North Carolina, thank you so much for a wonderful year. I am truly grateful and blessed to have represented you in every step I take. Last but not least, to my fellow contestants. You are ALL winners and no matter what happens this weekend, look on it as a learning experience. To my successor, have a wonderful year and use this title wisely. For the last time, I am your reigning National American Miss North Carolina Preteen Queen 2009-1010.


Shivali Ashvin Patel

2009 National American Miss North Carolina Teen Queen Staci Alden Farewell Letter

Hello 2010 Contestants & Families!

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by already!  Being crowned the 2009 NAMiss North Carolina Teen was thrilling!  After the pageant, I did not take my crown or banner off until maybe midnight…yes, I was ecstatic!  That night was so surreal, and though it is sad to see my reign come to an end, I know that the memories of this past year will stay with me forever.

During my reign, I was able to volunteer with many charity organizations like the Great Dane Rescue of the Carolinas, Bray’s Love, and the American Cancer Society.  I also received the opportunity to appear in several parades, including the Azalea Festival parade in Wilmington.

Making an appearance at the Expressions Dance “Wishes Come True” summer camp for young girls was an amazing experience.  I signed t-shirts and even got to dance with the girls during their final recital! 

I threw out the first pitch at a Charlotte Knights game and I am ashamed to say that the ball did not make it to the catcher…even though I was standing in front of the pitcher’s mound.

The National Pageant in California was easily one of the highlights of my reign.  Representing North Carolina was brilliant!  I met so many girls and made friends to last a lifetime.  Disneyland was a blast!  Riding roller coasters with my sister queens and beating my parents in Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin was all too wonderful.  I will never forget the memories or the friendships from that week.

My year could not have been possible without the support of many people.  A big thanks goes out to all my family and friends for their love and support.  They have always been my number one fans and I am lucky to have them in my life!  To Matt Leverton, you are awesome!  Thanks so much for all your support and for being such a great director!  To the NAM Staff, I am so appreciative of everything you have ever done for me…you rock!  To my sister queens, this year has been wonderful getting to know all of you.  I love you girls!

To all the 2010 North Carolina contestants, I hope you have the weekend of your life!  Nothing is impossible.   I truly believe that any dream is attainable once you set your mind to it.  Like my hero Walt Disney once said, “All dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”  National American Miss will be one of the best experiences of your life so enjoy every moment!


Your 2009 National American Miss North Carolina Teen

Staci Alden

2009 National American Miss Pre-Teen Cover Girl – Briahna Wick – Farewell

Dear contestants and families,

    Congratulations girls, you are now involved in an outstanding pageant system! Just last year I was given the tremendous honor of being crowned your 2009-2010 National American Miss Oregon pre-teen Cover Girl, and what a fun, exciting and truly amazing year it has been! As my state’s pre-teen Cover Girl I was able to do many spectacular things with my title. Such as ride in my hometowns annual Beachcomber Days Parade, go to the Washington state pageant as visiting royalty, volunteered to wrap presents for the South Lincoln County Childrens Christmas Program and volunteered at the 19th annual R.S.V.P. Chocolate Classics. I was very privileged to be able to have such a great time meeting new people and making a difference in my community. It was a great opportunity to be able to represent my state and National American Miss and I thank everyone that has helped me out along the way.
    Thank you so much to my sponsors and to those who gave me all the support. Thank you so much to my family, I cannot even begin to explain how much I appreciate what you have done. You have allowed me to make the most of my year and not only that, but have given me the greatest opportunity to follow my dreams and support me in whatever I choose to do. You are truly the best.
    Believe me when I tell you pageant weekend will be full of long lasting friends and fun memories. You will learn so much about yourself and learn skills that will help you in life with whatever you choose to do. I want you to always remember, no mater what the outcome, that you should always follow your dreams and keep trying, because you can do anything, no challenge is impossible.

Good luck and best wishes,

-Briahna Wick

2009 National American Miss Oregon Teen Queen – Kelli McBee – Farewell

2009 National American Miss Oregon Teen Queen – Kelli McBee – Farewell

Hello Miss Oregon Teen contestants and families! 

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I was crowned Miss Oregon Teen and my incredible journey began. During my reign, I spoke at club meetings and retirement centers, read books to children, rode in parades, hosted a Queen’s Day at our local Children’s Museum, served food at the Ronald McDonald House, helped at the National Night Out, and went to Vegas to watch Miss America with my mom and grandma.

I had a blast competing and meeting new friends at the National Pageant in California! After an exhausting but fun-filled week, I placed third in the Top Model competition and won the prestigious Golden Achievement in Service Award for my Books for Soldiers drive, for which I mailed 1500 books to soldiers overseas.

None of my accomplishments this year would have been possible without the loving support of my family. Mom and Dad, you are the foundation of my life and I owe so much to you. Brian and Patrick, you two are the most supportive brothers a girl could have; thank you for being troopers at all of these girlie competitions. I love you all and appreciate your influence in making me the woman I’ve become.

To my grandparents, friends, and Ben, thank you for making this year so memorable with your love and support. Matt Leverton and NAM staff, thank you for hosting a pageant that truly influences girls’ lives. To my sister queens Summer, Alex, Madeline, and Gabriella: you girls are the best! I’ve had such a blast on all our adventures with each of you this year and will miss our get-togethers!

To all of the contestants, this weekend will bring so many gifts to you. Embrace each opportunity and challenge yourselves to become your personal best. The skills you will learn over pageant weekend will be useful for the rest of your lives! And to my successor, have fun taking advantage of all the opportunities that this honor presents; your year will fly by and fill your life with memories. Keep shining your light on the world!

I have had the time of my life representing Oregon for the past year.

Your Miss Oregon Teen 2009,

Kelli McBee

2009 National American Miss Pre-Teen Queen Alexandra Perry- Farewell Letter

2009 National American Miss Pre-Teen Queen Alexandra Perry- Farewll Letter

Dear Miss Oregon Pre-Teen Contestants,

Welcome to an exciting and fun-filled weekend! All your hard work and planning will soon pay off. The way to make the most this experience is to truly be yourself, and smile! I can’t wait to meet all of you! This past year has been full of fun and amazing adventures. It has been an honor representing the wonderful state of Oregon. My favorite memories include going to Nationals, volunteering with my sister queens, attending Miss America with my friend Miss California, and traveling to California and Washington as visiting royalty. My trip to Nationals in Disneyland was one of the greatest times of my life. I learned so much from the other competitors from all across the country. I was thrilled to win the National Golden Achievement Award!

Disneyland, late nights with sister queens, and making new friends wasn’t bad either. Volunteering with my organization, Cook for Cancer, has been a great learning experience. I have met so many kind and welcoming people. I enjoyed the time I spent preparing, cooking, and delivering the meals. Working with breast cancer patients has made me realize that I can make a difference in the world, but the first step is volunteering.

Thank you to all of my family for their love and support. I realize how lucky I am to have such a great cheering section. A huge thank you to our Oregon state director Matt Leverton for your encouragement and help every step of the way! To my sister queens, it has been a privilege getting to know you. Thank you for being great role models for me and the many other girls who look up to you. I have learned so much this year about myself and how I can make a difference. Remember it all starts with a smile.

Best Wishes,

Alexandra Perry